Wild Orange Vinaigrette

Ingredients 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 1-2 drops wild orange essential oil 2 tbs mayonnaise 1/2 cup brown sugar Sea salt and pepper to taste Directions Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth.  Store in a glass jar and keep refrigerated.  Will last … Continue reading

Keeping Bugs at Bay with Essential Oils

It’s summertime, and with the warm weather and sun comes bugs and bites.  Prevention is key and instead of turning to a toxic spray, you can keep many bugs at bay with essential oils.  When bites do occur, most can be soothed by applying a cool, wet compress to which a few drops of Lavender … Continue reading

Herb Butter

Who doesn’t love a nice, warm piece of bread with melted butter?!  Add some fresh herbs of your choosing and go gourmet!  It’s super easy and will have you coming back to experiment with a variety of herbs to compliment any entree, vegetable or side dish.     Ingredients: 8 Tablespoons (1 stick) Butter, softened … Continue reading

Herbal Ice for Teething Babies

Oh, the sleepless nights of teething babies!  Our third and last little love, Arya, is 9 months old, and her top front teeth have been trying to break through for a couple of weeks now.  Last night, I was able to catch up on some TiVo between the not-so-lovely hours of 3-5am thanks to these … Continue reading

The Many Uses of Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Melaleuca, commonly known at Tea Tree, is from the botanical family Myrtaceae.  It is indigenous to Australia where it has been used for centuries by the Aborigines to heal cuts, wounds and skin infections.  The essential oil is extracted from the leaves and branches of the plants through steam distillation.  It is a wonderfully powerful … Continue reading

Yin/Yang: A Simple Explanation

I’m all about balance and believe that it is the key to health – emotionally, physically and mentally.  Yin/Yang is the Chinese philosophy of opposites, and refers to certain complimentary energies which are inherent in all life forms, and when in balance, support a healthy and harmonious life. Qualities associated with Yin include moon, cold, … Continue reading